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[07.07.2024]@Indonesia – Sweat-Soaked Revelry and Musical Mayhem: Robert Livy Ignites Ubuds CP Lounge

Deep in the sultry heart of Bali, far removed from the serene beaches, lies Ubud, a town where the air hangs thick and humid like an oppressive specter….

[04.07.2024]@Indonesia – Sweat, Glitter, and Glory: A Night of Transcendent Chaos at Bali’s Mixwell

It was one of those hellishly hot Bali nights, the kind that makes you think the gods are punishing you for forgotten sins. The air was thick and…

[28.06.2024]@Australlia-Brad Butchers Lawless Serenade in Cairns

Last night, under the balmy, intoxicating sky of Cairns, the Cairns Art Gallery morphed into a scene of unbridled chaos and euphoria for the event „Out on the…

[28.06.2024]@Australia – Anais Campbell Mesmerizes Cairns

The sweltering haze of the Cairns night was a perfect backdrop for the madness that unfolded at the art gallery’s latest spectacle, „Out on the Lawn“ at the…

[23.05.2024]@Australia Rapper Sama Mac and crew at Byron Bay

The sun was setting in Byron Bay, a fiery orb sinking into the restless, frothy maw of the Pacific, casting a blood-red glow on the gathering crowd. The…

[22.05.2024]@Australia A rock pandemonium with Boukaboo at the rails in byron bay

BYRON BAY, In the quixotic hinterlands of Northern New South Wales, where the air is thick with salt and the scent of eucalyptus, a small venue named @The-Rails-Byron-Bay…

[09.05.2024]@ Australia: Dark Order Unleashes Sonic Rebellion: Militant Metal Madness in Sydney!

The city of Sydney, a sprawling cauldron of pulsating life, found itself engulfed in the anarchic embrace of heavy metal last night at the heart of the city….

[09.05.2024]@-Australia: Two Duos kick the night of at the Moshpit

Fear and loathing in Sydney’s heart tonight, amidst the stormy wrath of the weather gods at the infamous Moshpit Bar. A Metal and Rock affair was on the…

[04.04.2024]@Australia: Goldfish Smarts Take the Bait and Rock the Moshpit’s 7th Birthday!

The air was thick with anticipation at the MoshPit Bar’s 7th birthday bash as Goldfish Smarts, a Manly-born alternative-indie-surf-rock amalgam, took to the stage like a pack of…

[04.04.2024]@Australia: Spurs for Jesus: Reign of Alt-Country Rebels Rocks Moshpit’s 7th Birthday Bash!

The MoshPit Bar, nestled in the underbelly of Sydney, celebrated its 7th birthday with a bacchanalian affair that shook the very foundations of its dimly lit confines. Amidst…