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[04.05.2024]@Australia: Scholar of Sins Unleashes Thrash Fury at Moshpit Birthday Bash: A Night of Pure Chaos and Catharsis

You want to talk about music? You want to talk about the gut-pounding, mind-altering force of thrash metal? Well, let me tell you about the whirlwind that was…

[04.05.2024]@Australia: Sydney Dive Bar’s 7th Birthday Bash: The Hot Ness Ignites a Post-Punk Riot!

  I found myself unexpectedly thrust into the chaotic heart of a birthday bash armed with my trusty camera. It wasn’t just any celebration—it was a raucous affair…

[26.04.2024}@NewZealand: Exit Sign’s Psychedelic Revoltat the Big Fan

The night descended over East Auckland like a shroud of chaos, the air thick with anticipation and the primal hum of amplified guitars. The scene was set for…

[26.04.2024}@NewZealand: Chaos and Catharsis: Cut Shapez Shake Big Fan Venue with Raw Energy

As the smoke of a thousand joints mingled with the haze of cheap booze, the Big Fan venue was plunged into the chaotic embrace of another Auckland trio:…

[26.04.2024}@NewZealand: Chlorine wrecks the Big Fan Beatdown

Amid the wreckage left by the opening band’s assault at the Big FanBeatdown Event, four punks from East Auckland stormed the stage like avenging angels. The air was…

[26.04.2024}@NewZealand: An Evening with Groop Chat at Big Fan

Here I am, once again navigating the chaotic labyrinth of Auckland, a city that never sleeps but rather stumbles from one uproar to the next. Tonight’s battleground is…

[11.04.2024]@NewZealand:Rebel Rockers Howl into the Night: How to Human Shakes Wellington’s Valhalla Music Venue

The Valhalla Music Venue crackled with the frenetic energy of a mad scientist’s laboratory on fire, and at the helm of this tumultuous sonic storm stood How To…

[11.04.2024]@NewZealand: PSYCHEDELIC REVELRY: Mintaka Unleashes Sonic Storm in Wellington’s Underground Scene

In the searing haze of neon lights and the pulsating rhythm of the underground scene, the grand finale unfurled like a psychedelic tapestry woven from the threads of…

[11.04.2024]@NewZealand: Electric Tapestry Ignites Vallhalla with Cosmic Chaos!

In the swirling chaos of Valhalla’s dim-lit cavern, as the air grew thick with the musk of anticipation, Electric Tapestry emerged from the shadows like specters summoned by…

[11.04.2024]@NewZealand: A night with the B.U.M.S – A Wild Ride Through the Storms of Rock

We stumbled through the gates of Valhalla, soaked to the bone by a deluge that would’ve made Noah himself question his maritime abilities. The rain, relentless and unforgiving,…