Last night, under the balmy, intoxicating sky of Cairns, the Cairns Art Gallery morphed into a scene of unbridled chaos and euphoria for the event „Out on the Lawn.“ This free-for-all, open-air jamboree was a wild testament to the raw power of music and the primal urge to revel in it.
The headliner was none other than Brad Butcher, a rugged, whiskey-voiced bard of Country Music. His latest album, East of Everything, is a testament to his journey through the grit and grime of life’s backroads. Butcher kicked off the night with „Great Day to Be Alive,“ a rousing anthem that instantly lit the fuse of the crowd’s collective spirit.
As the night wore on, Butcher unleashed a torrent of hits that echoed through the tropical night like a fever dream. „Bottom of a Well“ plunged the audience into a melancholic reverie, while „Cutting Peoples Grass“ had them stomping and hollering like wild beasts in the moonlight. „Let ‚Em In“ flowed seamlessly, each note resonating with the kind of authenticity only Butcher can conjure.
The climax came with „Working Man Blues,“ a raucous, foot-stomping ode to the toil and sweat of the common man. The crowd, now a sweaty, heaving mass, roared along, every soul caught in the throes of Butcher’s spell.
By the end, the night was a blur of music, sweat, and ecstatic revelry, a testament to the primal, unchained power of live music. Brad Butcher left the stage like a victorious gladiator, having conquered the wild hearts of Cairns with his gritty, soulful tunes. If this was any indication of what’s „East of Everything,“ then we’re all in for one hell of a ride 

Tonight is part two of the Event at the Court House Gallery with Grace Jones Music, Logan, Hannah May