The night was still young, but the Sputnikhalle Münster had already taken on the scent of chaos and anarchy. After the first salvo from DAMNIAM, the crowd was charged, an electric tension hung in the air, and then the second band of the evening took the stage: SLANDERS.
They came at us like the Furies, with „Psychohead“ as their opener, a song that sounded like it had sprung directly from the deepest recesses of the human psyche. The crowd was entranced, and the hall seemed to darken, as if the music itself was snuffing out the lights.
With „Dehumanized“ and „Bitter End,“ they followed a path that left no room for mercy or compassion. The guitars howled like wounded animals, and the drums beat like the heart of a warrior charging into battle. The singer, a figure like from a nightmare, spat the words into the crowd as if each sentence was an accusation against humanity itself.
„Freak by Nature“ was like a mirror reflecting the madness of the evening, a hymn for all those who refused to conform. And then, as if granting us just a brief moment of grace, they ended with „Gotta Go,“ one last wild scream before they left the stage, leaving us with the echo of their destructive force.
The second band had contributed their part to the Puke-Fest, and the madness had only been further fueled. The night was a wild beast, just preparing to strike, and we were all more than ready to be devoured by it