Schlagwort: Christchurch

[11.04.2024]@NewZealand: A night with the B.U.M.S – A Wild Ride Through the Storms of Rock

We stumbled through the gates of Valhalla, soaked to the bone by a deluge that would’ve made Noah himself question his maritime abilities. The rain, relentless and unforgiving,…

[06.04.2024]@New Zealand: Grunge Madness in Christchurch: A Night of Chaos and Catharsis at A Rolling Stone

Christchurch, a city of shattered dreams and dilapidated dive bars, played host to an event of both sublime chaos and manic debauchery last saturday night at A Rolling…

[[06.04.2024]@New Zealand: Ragweed Rocks the Space-Time Continuum: A Funkadelic Odyssey at A Rolling Stone

The air was thick with anticipation as the second act of the night, RAGWEED, took the stage at A Rolling Stone. These four lads hailing from the mystical…